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We were last inspected by OSFTED on 17th October 2023 and were grade GOOD in all areas. 


You can find a copy of our report here. 

What did OFSTED say? - children

Children sit enthralled while listening to stories. 


Children rapidly learn new vocabulary and show confidence in offering their own explanations for the meaning of words. 


Older children help younger children to prepare for mealtimes. 


Children make good progress. 


Children with SEND are supported well. 


Children show good attitudes to learning. 


Children show respect, applauding each other's achievements. 


They show a 'can do' attitude and keep trying hard.


Children take immense pride in their own success. 

What did OFSTED say? - staff 

Staff create a welcoming atmosphere as children arrive at this friendly pre-school. 


Staff nurture good relationships with their key children. 


Children show that they feel safe and happy. 


Staff plan a curriculum that is well sequenced and tailored to meet the needs of all children. 


Staff involve children in decision making. This helps children feel valued and involved. 


Staff say they feel valued and appreciated. 


Parents are extremely happy with the service provided by Acle Pre-school. They say staff create a 'truly safe and nurturing' atmosphere where their children can flourish. 




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